With globalization at its peak, our markets are flooded with products from all across the globe. Irrespective of knowing how to dispose them off, we still use them. Also with the advancement of science and technology, packaging is being produced that would take years to breakdown once disposed. Some of the packaging includes polythene bags, synthetics, plastic bottles, tin cans, and computer hardware which seem extremely beneficial to us, but have serious repercussions on the environment.
These fall under the Non Biodegradable waste. By Non Biodegradable we mean waste that cannot be broken down by the bacteria due to its complex chemical composition. These are harmful to the environment as it has a tendency of changing the soil structure and at times cause barrenness. At times these forms of waste are also burnt causing pollution.
Talking about Biodegradable waste, it mostly comprises of organic materials that can be easily broken down by the microbes present in the environment. Although it is extremely beneficial to the soil, it is never disposed in the right place. Most of the times we see these waste lying on the road or near the garbage pit, but not in the pit. This causes loss of beauty and a lot of stench and insects blooming.
To begin waste management, we need to understand the 3Rs of waste management. The 3Rs are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
It is important to understand what waste is before we can actually think of reducing it. Research shows that maximum amount of household waste is generated in the kitchens. The amount piles up because a lot of people often go the market and end up buying items out of their impulsive behaviour. So every time we hit the market, a proper planning needs to done such that we save on money and the quantity purchased.
The planning process begins at home. We need to check the refrigerator and see what all is left and what all can be used to create a healthy snack instead of hitting the supermarket. The best way to reduce waste is to use airtight containers which keep the food protected for long period of time. Also, a lot of food can be kept in the freezer for later use.
Therefore, if a little bit of planning is done we can make a big difference in the reduction of waste. If waste is left in the garbage pit for too long, it emits harmful gases like Methane, which pollutes the environment.
Once we have mastered the art of reducing waste, we can go one step ahead and learn the art of reusing. By reusing we mean using left over items for newer purposes instead of spending on new items. Here are some tips for reusing existing items viz.
- Shopping bags can be well preserved and reused every time we go out for shopping. These bags can also be used as a waste disposal bags at home.
- Old envelopes can be reused as scraps of paper for making everyday notes.
- Newspapers, cardboards and bubble wraps can be used while relocating.
- Old jars and pots can be used for storing items. This reduces the cost of purchasing new containers.
- Old clothes can be used as mops for the house.
- Old clothes can also be used as cushion covers.
- Old electronic items can be donated to various charity events.
Recycling is a means of ensuring that upon completion of the usage of a certain product, it is returned to the resource pool. This process helps in the conservation of raw materials that were used to create a certain product. This also reduces the amount of materials going to the compost pit and thereby making the most of the product. It is essential to understand that not all items can be recycled. So we need to research online and check about the items that can be recycled. The most common item that can be recycled is paper. Thus, talking about paper recycling, there are plenty of paper can be recycled. Apart from paper other items that can be recycled include batteries, mobile phones, tin cans and a lot more. We need to check with the municipality and find out ways to recycle items.
To conclude, all that is required is a little effort coming from within to keep our environment clean and green. So let us all make a pledge today that everyday be Earth Day.
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