The wonderful world that we live in has offered us a wide number of choices to think about whenever we need to decide what to eat. Eggs represent one of the most common and easy meal one can prepare. Whether it’s for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the eggs are preferred because they are easy to prepare so you don’t need a lot of experience in the kitchen to master the art of cooking one while they are also healthy and take a short amount of time to cook.
Eggs are some of the healthiest natural foods out there. While it is true that they contain a lot of cholesterol, it is actually a type that doesn’t cause damage to your body, unless a lot is taken in. Eggs also contain all nine essential amino acids and lots of protein and besides this; they are some of the very few natural foods that contain vitamin D.
Leaving aside the fact that eggs are known as being quite healthy for the human body, there are also a wide variety of easy recipes that anyone can use without needing to be a master in the kitchen in order to cook eggs. All you need is one egg and a frying pan in order to get yourself a tasty breakfast! Here are some easy quick ad ways of cooking an egg for breakfast:
1. Fried eggs
One of the easiest ways you can cook an egg is to fry it. All you need in order to do this is an egg, a frying pan, some oil and salt. Other people may also prefer ingredients such as pepper or spices which can be used in order to bring more taste to a fried egg. A great thing about fried eggs is the fact that they can be easily cooked in a few minutes, which is why this recipe represents one of the most famous and well-known all around the world. There are many recipes which have been created in order to make the simple fried egg a bit more interesting. The more ingredients a recipe has, the more difficult preparing it becomes. Although not a huge number of ingredients are used when frying eggs, the time it takes to prepare a meal increases with every ingredient. Regardless of this, putting in a little twist can greatly increase the traditional taste of fried eggs.
One of the easiest recipes which requires more ingredients involves frying some onions with your egg while other ingredients such as bacon, mushrooms and other types of vegetables can also be added in order to improve the taste and make a meal be able to stop the hunger of just about anyone.
2. Boiled eggs
There are two types of boiled eggs:
- Soft boiled eggs, these being the eggs that are not allowed to harden too much during the boiling, thus being boiled for just around 3 minutes once the water reaches the temperature of 100 degrees.
- Hard boiled eggs, which are eggs that have been boiled for at least 6 to 10 minutes;
Besides frying them, boiling eggs is another very easy alternative of cooking them. In this case, you need a boiling pan, water and a place to boil the eggs. Once everything is set up, the eggs are sure to be boiled in just a few moments. You can choose to boil them either soft or hard, thus bringing everyone two choices when it comes down to their preferences.
Once the eggs are boiled, many people choose to eat them with bread, or even with garlic. Some cultures won’t even think about keeping garlic out of an egg recipe which is quite an interesting idea.
In the case that you’d like to change up the traditional taste offered by boiled eggs, there are some additional things that you can do in order to spice things up. Some ideas include boiled creamed hard, where besides the egg you also need milk, Parmesan cheese, butter and flour.
3. Used in combinations
For breakfast, eggs can be used in multiple combinations. For instance, Americans prefer their eggs to be fried while also adding some other ingredients to make everything into a full meal. Some examples may include:
- bacon
- cheese
- toast
Other examples of combinations that can be used whenever you decide to have an egg recipe for breakfast may include placing hard boiled eggs in a salad and mixing them with other ingredients such as tomatoes, garlic, onions, cabbage and more.
By keeping the tips which have been outlined in mind, just about anyone can cook recipes which include eggs in order to create a perfect breakfast. As this healthy food is known to be full of vitamins and other essential properties for our bodies, eating eggs at least 2-3 times a week can be a great experience, thus granting you a healthy body. However, it is important to remember that eating too many eggs in a short period of time is also dangerous, as it can cause different issues with your body, so make sure that you enjoy your cooked eggs no more than 3-4 times a week in order to get their health benefits only.
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