Some jobs suck big time. They take up your time in exchange of peanuts, and add to the troubles by daily harrassment. You cannot always resign readily even if you are more than ready to leave the job for good. Most employers get you to sign on a contract that raises a legal issue if you leave the job within the contract period. Getting them to fire you is the best approach in such circumstances.
In addition, resignations procedures are often highly complex and can take some time. You have to inform the HR on the notice period, go through rounds of exit interviews, and follow protocols. The procedures are time consuming and boring at the same time. Get rid of the official trouble at once by putting any of these following six ideas to practice. These are among the safest ways to raise a termination at your discretion. Essentially, you have to be the renegade, the office needs to get rid of.
Take time on a trip
Offices operate in a time bound manner. Employees must arrive in time and stay for long hours (frequently you may even have to overstay). Disrupt the timely protocol with a nonchalant disobedience. You have nothing to lose because you do not want to get there anyway! So, arrive late and leave early, leaving your job in a lurch. Do not forget to take the longest lunch breaks. Remember to maximize the smoke breaks, coffee breaks, and watercooler intervals.
The HR communication
The HR would summon you surely for an explanation. This is the toughest part. You cannot say you want them to fire you, as that should sound ridiculous. Neither can you state explicitly that you do not want to continue. The HR would obviously try to pressurize you into compliance. Make sure you have a funky bag of excuses ready that you can say calmly on the face of an irate manager.
Plan out pranks
You can employ anything from a virtually limitless cache of office pranks. Just be careful to keep your activities within the fun limit. Do not go overboard as that can land you with legal issues. Some of the worst pranks include soiling the toilet, unplugging monitors, fiddling with the copier setting, keeping the refrigerator door open, and play death metal music on your mobile in the lunch hour.
Dress weird
Try the weird dressing way to befuddle the HR. Come to the office wearing a bandana, or in the oldest pair of jeans you can find. Wear a Hawaiian shirt in an important meeting. Replace your shoes with casual sandals. Try out t-shirts with loud slogans and offensive graffiti. You must always have the weirdest excuses when your boss asks for an explanation.
The best way to aggravate someone sometimes is by planning a romantic escapade. Plan a date with your girlfriend/boyfriend and leave the office early after a quick notification. Do not wait for the validation of your request because it is impossible. Play with the protocols at the organization, but stay within the legal boundaries.
Insult the boss
Go ahead and insult your boss in the wittiest way possible. You can try the overhearing route. It is easy. You need to pretend talking to a friend on the phone when your boss is around. You can even make a real call if you have a good partner in crime. Make your intentions clear.
You can also fiddle with your boss’ computer if you can get away with it. You may not have to infiltrate his computer even. You can always cc the email id of your boss on all your mails. Make sure you are really bad at work. Promote a sick nickname for your boss. Write it down at places where everyone can see, like on the HR notice board. In addition, invade the parking space of your supervisor on a frequent basis.
Use the social media
You can always use your social media profile tackily to let your office administration know how much you hate them. This can get you to lose your job very fast.
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