One of the marvels of modern day medicine and lifestyle is that more people are living to the age of 100 and more.
It used to be that if a person made it to 100 they would be celebrated all over the world. It is so common now for people to live to 100 years or more that it often doesn’t get noticed by the press. Doctors and specialists examine these people to find out how they live to such ages especially those who do so and are still mentally alert and physically active.
There seems to be some common denominators in the ways that people live to be 100 but there are also anomalies that make each case unique.
We’ve all seen those news stories where some old timer gives their secrets to a long life. They’ll say something philosophical like “Prayer, tea, good friends.”, or something way off base like “I have a pint of whiskey and a cigar every day!”. No two cases are alike so the lab coat crowd has to look at things like genetics, diet, environment and other factors. Let’s look at these shining examples of living to such an age.
1.) Eat a healthy diet. Diet is a big part of living well. Eating a balanced and regular diet seems to be a common denominator of to living to a ripe old age of 100. The conflict is that some diets are indeed healthy and some aren’t but regularity and simplicity seem to make those unhealthy diets work. It may be that after a while the body is so used to the same thing that it optimizes its systems to get the best out of that particular diet. Some people eat only meat. Some only fruits or vegetables. Some old timers live off coffee, eggs, and cigarettes. It’s amazing but true. The bottom line here is to maintain a diet that is right for you.
2.) Get enough rest. Rest is the best way to get your body and mind in shape. The reason being is that during rest and sleep the body has a chance to diagnose and remedy and repair itself. Not getting those important 8 hours or afternoon nap can be devastating. This is a major common denominator to living up to 100 years old because of all the other factors, this one is prominent.
3.) Live stress free. Stress is called the silent killer. It deserves that moniker. Stress can be physical and mental and if left unchecked can lead to great misery and death. Today’s hectic work schedule, terrifying news headlines, toxins, relationships, illnesses can present a stressful environment detrimental to a person’s overall well being. You’ll find that the seniors who live to 100 years old that they learned how to chill out early in life. They mastered things in themselves and their environment where things for them are easy even when turmoil or disaster is at the door. These people are confident in something that allows them to not get stressed out and thereby surviving where others fall apart.
4.) Keep physically fit. Many of the seniors who reach 100 years old either are physically fit lifestyle types or did so early in youth that translated to good health later. Keeping active doesn’t mean lifting weights or running marathons but doing just 30 minutes of somewhat vigorous exercise 3 times a week can do wonders. Many find swimming or just plain walking does the trick. Doctors have been saying for decades the importance of living an active lifestyle and these people are living examples of this. Now, every once and a while you’ll find that old timer with a smile on their face talking about how laziness is the key to a long life. You’ve got to take these accounts with a grain of salt even if they make you giggle.
5.) Be creative. Another strange common denominator of people who live to be 100 is that they’re creative. They are musicians, artists, sculptors, knitters, singers, and more. They keep their minds and spirit up and active to the point that the ravages of old age You’ll find these seniors enjoying an afternoon with some watercolor paints, or tapping out a tune. It’s the creative process at work here and is a big part of keeping on keeping on.
6.) Romance. Yes, there’s nothing like some cuddling, kissing, and doing what nature intended to keep one active and living to a ripe age of 100. You might find many of these people were married to the same person for 70 years or more or may have had several spouses. At that advanced age sex and romance aren’t impossible and are probably recommended by physicians. Companionship and relationships where romance rules aids to the well being of the person, relieves stress, brings about a brighter outlook on life. People who have an active romantic life or remember one know the future is brighter and they don’t waste time and energy on being miserable thus affecting their mental and physical states.
7.) Pets. Believe it or not, you’ll find many seniors living to great ages are pet lovers. They’ve probably raised animals on a farm or as a lifestyle. Having a furry friend or a swimming one brings about a sense of responsibility, companionship, and love. A good pet can bring lots of joy to anyone’s life and give that person a sense of belonging and continuing on.
8.) Family. Probably the reason these people live so long is family. Taking care of one another, sacrificing, watching them grow and expand is an adventure and such attention and dedication can give one a sense of purpose to keep on living thus to 100 years or more.
9.) Prayer. Whether you’re religious or not you can’t debate with a person who is 100 years old who says that prayer is a big part of why they live so long. They’ve got you right there and then because you can’t disprove it. These people of such age have lived through every trial and tribulation you can imagine and for them to have survived and excelled means there must be something to it.
So the ways to living to 100 years old are a collection of the tried and true and somewhat controversial. The bottom line is that whatever works does.
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