The popular ‘survival of the fittest’ seems to be a hard possibility for the sharks due to increasing torment by the most powerful creature on earth, the mankind. Despite sturdy and powerful physical structure, every year almost 100 million sharks become the pathetic target of humans. While most are fished out from water, the rest are indirect victims of human terror. Those engaging in water activities, slaughter sharks, in order to remain safe.
Needless to say, if such rampant killing persists, then one day we will surely lose these beautiful finny saline water creatures. Let’s take an oath of protecting sharks from being an endangered species in near future.
1. Public awareness in order to save sharks
You will be shocked to know the hard fact that almost 125 nations across the globe openly trade shark products. Among these countries, the U.S., the U.K., Spain, France, Japan, Taiwan, and Portugal are the major shark fishing nations. Directly or indirectly, we all are responsible for escalating shark deaths. These days in local markets, health stores, beauty salons, pet stores or grocery stores, selling shark products have become widespread. Can’t something fruitful be done to defend these sea creatures or to maintain the ecological equilibrium? We can take a firm step here to save these innocent sharks through public awareness and that would perhaps be the best gift for them.
2. Spare sharks from your menu
However difficult it may sound to someone who loves sea food, try keeping sharks out of your menu. In addition, you can request others to follow the same. In fact, to shield nature’s this beautiful creation, if you spot any restaurant or food outlet offering shark delicacies, ask them to drop sharks from the menu. Let everyone become aware of how we are destroying the ecological poise. Most importantly, shark meat is not effective for health also. It contains a huge amount of mercury, which is hazardous for human health. Try publicizing the tag ‘stay away from shark meat’!
3. Initiatives from country’s governing body
Yes! This may be the most effective way to stop sharks from getting demolished in the near future. The Shark Conservation Act has to be properly implemented, and followed of course, and in violation of it severe punishment should be legally introduced. It’s the humans who can take on the course of action, not in words, but in deeds.
4. Educate yourself and others about sharks
What harm have sharks done to us? Give a serious thought. Then why do we rapidly kill them? Educate yourself and those around you. With no wonder, this can be a brilliant step to care for the beautiful creatures. In reality, 95 species of sharks are already under threat. Now that is alarming! To add on, fishermen should be educated enough not to seize these aquatic creatures, or at least to stop overfishing, as well as the industries which run their major businesses on shark products.
5. Joining awareness campaigns with organizations
If a sole action cannot create any significant move, then join organizations that raise voice demanding to save sharks. The campaigns and various activities they do are intended to reach the common people. This is a considerable way to stop poachers as well as fishermen to illegally kill sharks for monetary gains. Unified strategies can only come to the rescue to these marine animals.
6. Hold awareness events in schools and colleges
It can be really a promising way to protect sharks from the hand of greedy humans. Hold up some informal shows or presentations for the school-, college- or university-students. This can also be done through distributing pamphlets or paper presentations. Well, it’s a truth that the power of students can do a lot for the nation. Encourage the future building blocks of the world do something prolific for the environment! Whatever the case may be, such ideas can at least slow down the shark killing, if not completely bring it to a standstill.
7. Be the whistle blower in your society
People committing misdeeds and people supporting them, both are equally punishable. Take the responsibility of a whistle blower if any illegal activity comes to your notice. Whether it be illegal fishing, poaching, or selling shark products (whatever that violates the law), bring it to the notice of concerned authorities.
8. A needed vote count
Why not utilize the social networking sites to the benefit of these naval creatures? With the increasing craze of social media sites and blogs, you can spread your message to the entire world. This very fast and responsive media can even seek votes for saving sharks. A much needed vote count can preserve sharks to some extent.
9. Say no to shark made cosmetics
It may sound impractical to you as ample of cosmetics currently make use of shark liver oil. However, if you wish your initiative may discourage or conscious the manufactures from employing shark products. Say no to shark products!
10. Adopt a shark
If you think this is impossible, then you are mistaken. In reality, you can adopt a shark and spread the voice of saving them. Nevertheless, practicality has no best alternative. With a personalized adoption certificate you can take on one and encourage more people in doing the same.
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