Inventing ways to hide files & folders in OS X might look like a redundant venture especially when considering that OS X has an in built option of creating multiple users with limited accessibility. The multiple user option allows each user account private and secure way of ensuring that files & folders are not accessible to other parties unless they have security clearance for that particular user account. However, you may still find it necessary to hide certain files & folders especially if a particular account has multiple users. However, the downside of hiding files using conventional ways is that it makes locating the files & folders difficult especially when you forget the exact the location of the hidden files & folders. Here we bring you two easy to follow steps that will answer your question on ways to hide files & folders in OS X.
1. Setting a finder flag on a file or folder
To achieve this you will need to follow simple steps outlined below:
- Gain access to the terminal utility and type the following words proceeded by single space: chflags hidden
- Move the file to the terminal window.
- Once you click on return you will have accomplished the process of hiding the file
- To access the hidden files simply copy then paste the command as follows into the window terminal: default write com. apple. Finder AppleShowAllFiles True; killall Finder
- The files can be hidden once more by changing true to false.
- The first step is to create a folder and give the folder a designated name for instance “stealth folder”
- The folder can be hidden following the command outlined in the method used to hide files. However, you will need to type the following command chflags hidden ~/stealthfolder
- Hiding files using the above approach can be demanding especially if there are numerous files that you need to hide. This problem can be solved by creating a folder where all the files that you need to hide are compressed and then hiding the folder by following second method
2. Hide numerous files in folder
These steps will allow you to successfully hide multiple files in a single folder thereby securing them from random access by third parties. To unhide the folder, the method outlined above of unhiding files can be used. Alternatively, you can take advantage of the toggle option to locate the hidden folder simply by selecting the “Go To Folder” option and then typing the name of the folder in the dialogue box that appears before clicking enter. This should take you to the location of the hidden folder.
The steps outlined here of hiding and unhiding files and folders are very easy to follow. Furthermore, they ensure that you do not have to memorize a lot of details in the process of hiding and unhiding files and folders. Hopefully, these steps have solved your question of how ways to hide files & folders in OS X. In essence, ways to hide files & folders in OS X have been made easier.
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