Employees are referred to as the human capital of any organization. Any company which needs to progress and achieve its business targets needs to have a team of committed and motivated employees at the frontlines and the back end to get the job done. With the various stressful working conditions, competition and the sluggish economy, employees need to be constantly motivated and encouraged to do better and remain with the company. Losing good employees is one of the biggest challenges faced by all top management executives today. Much time and resources have been utilized to understand best ways to retain your best people and the following 5 ways are of the top rated ones.
Have a clear employee retention policy
Companies need to draft clear and effective employee retention policy with regular analysis on whether it is working or not. A good employee retention policy is comprehensive and takes into account the performance and career growth plans of a good employee. Additionally, it has built-in ways to identify potential issues or concerns and address it before it becomes the reason for the employee to leave the organization. Having a well crafted and dynamic employee retention policy is the first step in managing perceived challenges before they become one.
Seamless communication
Communication is the essence of engagement at any level. The management needs to be constantly engaging with employees so they feel important, involved and remain interested in the company. Seniors need to be trained to develop a culture wherein all employees, irrespective of the level they are at feel free to express their concerns and ask about their personal career advancement goals and opportunities. Create clear channels of communication which is more of a dialogue and not just one-way talking. This gives an opportunity to the company to make their employees feel a part of the bigger picture at all times, keeping them motivated even when things are tough.
Constructive appraisals
Employee performance appraisals are all about being fair, constructive and focused on improving the overall productivity. Managers doing the appraisals need to be adequately trained to ensure that there is no personal criticism or bias reflecting when they are engaging in this very important process. Well laid out plans for improvement in areas which matter and proper acknowledgement along with rewards are essential to keep the employee from scouting other better opportunities outside. They need to be professionally conducted in every way with clarity given to the employee on his contributions and expectations.
Express confidently
One of the key things that disgruntled employees express is that no one pays attention to their issues etc, if they are not at a senior level. This is true and resonates across all employees at some point. Companies need to find innovative ways to set up forums and discussion avenues wherein employees get the freedom to express anything at will without the fear of being pulled up.
Help them develop additional skills
Any employee who wishes to go places will need to keep reinventing himself/herself at every stage. It may not be possible to do so with work pressure, so companies can identify their top notch talent and create specialized training programs as well as help them gain more skills training them to go up the career path.
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