For many years, bullying has been and continues to be a threat to the way children feel when growing up. While the cases of bullying getting extreme aren’t very common, there are times when children or even adults feel threatened and depressed due to a certain bully or more.
The reason why people do this is not yet known, but there are a number of theories which may explain this. Just like other living beings, humans are also animals who lack basic understanding of certain facts and who choose violence in order to solve a wide variety of problems. It has often been said that bullying is born due to the fact that a number of people lack education, but they also have a couple of wrong ideals about how to handle situations. Many actually choose to bully because they feel like it increases their confidence and overall power over others who are around, as bullying is also some sort of a way to manifest a person’s frustration. Together with this, bullies also feel like a shadow is usually casted onto them by those who obviously seem a lot smarter or are better at a certain activity when compared to them. Children and young teenagers are the main age groups which are responsible for bullying. With this in mind, chances are that most of today’s bullies will also grow up, become more mature and stop choosing bullying over other forms of having fun without having to be forced to stop by others.
The true reasons behind bullying may never be understood, but there are ways to respond to it and help yourself, your children or friends to stop being bullied. With this fact in mind, here are a couple of things that can be done to respond to bullying and discourage the actual bullies from attempting to continue to manifest this behaviour towards yourself or your loved ones, as there are always things that can be done in order to make your situation better, but also to solve it completely.
Increase your self-esteem
By increasing your self-esteem and realizing that bullies may not even have something personal with you will be capable of offering them better responses to their behaviour. Most bullies don’t actually have fun by beating others or taking away their money. Instead, they actually like the helpless reaction that most victims offer. By taking attitude and having a word with those who bully, chances are that they will stop bothering you or your loved ones. Accepting to be bullied can encourage the ones who do this to become even more willing to hurt you and make you sad. Taking attitude the right way is never going to do anything bad to you, as the case with most people who are bullied is their overall lack of attitude together with the fact that they simply accept everything that is happening to them.
Talk to someone who can help
In the case that the bullying is taking place at school, try talking to a teacher or even the head master. Schools usually have programs designed to punish those who think bullying is a good thing to do, but also help the people who have been bullied overcome their situation and live life like it should be lived once again.
Together with this, speaking to an adult or a friend who is willing to listen means that you’ll be able to get a lot of things off your heart, while also figuring out a way on how to deal with the problem. Just about anyone has taken part in bullying, been bullied or witnesses, so this problem with today’s society is known all around the world. Regardless of the place you may live in, there always are solutions that you can take or advice that you can follow in order to get rid of this problem once and for all.
Avoid the bullies
Until you get the courage needed to express yourself and take attitude, a good thing to do is to avoid the bullies. This doesn’t mean skipping school or calling in sick, but instead it means avoiding the places where they hang out or simply ignoring them and walking away.In the case that things to get violent, it is never a shame to ask someone for help, or even to run away. Calling for help and having someone talk to the bullies in your name may be just the thing needed in order to scare them off.
Outsmart the people who are bullying you
Most of the times, bullies are people who consider you better than them, so outsmarting a bully in a conversation may serve as a big ego punch, that in many cases manages to destroy their bullying habits. Whether it is in a short conversation, throwing in a well put insult, or something considered smart may even make the bully’s friends chuckle. This technique is quite sure to change the way that the bully perceives you, and he may even start seeing you as a threat or the actual bully. Remember not to take advantage of the power received from outsmarting a bully, as it has the potential of coming back at you.
In conclusion, the ideas that have been mentioned in this article are some of the ones which will eventually work in scaring a bully off. Remember not to show too much emotion when a bully does something bad to you, as attention is basically all they seek. Avoiding the bullies, building your confidence and making your move can be the simple steps required to stop being bullied regardless of your position at work, school or your way of being.
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